We strive to turn bikes that have been forgotten in sheds, barns and hedgerows and transforming them into stunning show-worthy vehicles...

Each bike has its story to tell, whether that be its history or its journey back to restored condition – they're all given their well-deserved fame. We aim to keep these articles for years to come for both nostalgia for ourselves and for our clients wanting to remind themselves of what they are riding today, and where they once came.


Our Current Build(s)
What we're currently working on...

Triumph T100 Sprung-Hub

Honda CB500 Four K2

Archived Restorations
Our expanding portfolio of restored motorcycles...


BSA Bantam D14/4

BSA D3 Trials


1973 Honda SS50

1925 Monet Goyon "Model P"

1962 Gilera Giubileo 98

1935 OK-Supreme Flying Cloud

1931 Monet Goyon MG24

2011 Kawasaki W800

1958 BSA A7SS

1938 DKW RT98

1953 Peugeot Triporteur TN55

2004 Yamaha Aerox

1986 Kawasaki KE125

1992 Honda NSR125R

1961 BSA Bantam D7

2004 Gilera RCR

1977 Honda CB400 F2

1977 Honda SS50

1969 Mobylette SP93

1976 Yamaha FS1E-DX

Lambretta Li125 Series 3 GP